Google reportedly favoured Netflix with a special discount on Play Store fees

Google might have to allow developers to use alternative payment methods for in-app purchases

Google reportedly favoured Netflix with a special discount on Play Store fees

Google reportedly cut down Netflix’s Play Store fees. In an attempt aimed to ease the displeasure of the streaming giant, the company has decreased the commission cut on Netflix’s Play Store revenue. Google is now facing a lawsuit because of the favoritism it has exhibited in this attempt. Many apps like Netflix, Spotify, and Tinder are supposed to use Play Store’s in-house billing system. The discount offered to Netflix might be Google’s plan to make Netflix keep the payment platform. 

The lawsuit also claims that Google’s collection of revenues from developers is so random. It usually takes a 30 percent commission out of Play Store purchases. But the recent developments had shown that it could come less to up to 6 percent. The 30 percent commission is argued to be set simply because Apple does the same. In reality, Google increases or decreases this amount according to different app developers. Google has denied this and commented that all developers are bound to the same policies. The company has added that they had taken up efforts to support app makers with various “resources and investments”. It portrays healthy competition among operating systems and app stores. 

The allegations against Google points to a high cut on commission which was not offered to other developers. There are reports that suggest Apple also had favoured Netflix by giving them additional resources that are available to other developers on the App Store. Even if the allegations are proved wrong, Google might have to take steps to ensure the trust that it treats everyone equally. Apple has recently added that the developers can use alternative payments systems other than that of Apple’s payment system. Google does not allow other payments systems now. But it might have to do so soon to avoid more complications following the lawsuit.