Dropbox launches Mailbox for Android



Mailbox finally comes to Android after a long one year of its iOS counterpart launch. Dropbox spent $100 million to acquire Mailbox last year. The app works only for Gmail and iCloud accounts and the interface is light, fast and mobile-friendly. You can swipe messages to your archive or trash and scan an entire conversation at once with chat-like organization. It also checks emails from the cloud and delivers it to your phone. With the auto-swipe feature Mailbox learns from your swipes and snoozes to automate common actions. Other features include muting conversation and diverting all of your receipts to a list automatically. However you can not attach anything other than an image to an email. The app is now available for free download on the Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Google Play Store

About Seena Ajith 278 Articles
Hi guys, I am a technology blog writer, started of my career as a coder. I like following all current trends in technology, but specifically my interest is to cover everything about mobile phones. When not in front of computer, I will be either cooking or playing with my kids.