Facebook to clean up spam News Feeds



Facebook has announced some measures that it will take to ensure spam free News Feeds. This way you will less often see unwanted posts like the one above. The company has identified three kinds of posts that it plans to pull from news feeds: “Like-baiting,” “Frequently Circulated Content,” and “Spammy Links.”

Like-baiting is when a post explicitly asks readers to like, comment or share the post in order to get additional distribution beyond what the post would normally receive. The next one is the frequently circulated content that is less relevant to the users and the last one is spammy links that take users to a website that contains only ads or a combination of frequently circulated content and ads.

While taking measures to curb spammy news feeds, Facebook also wants to make sure that these steps will not affect genuine publishers or marketers. Facebook says that, “the vast majority of publishers on Facebook are not posting feed spam so they should not be negatively impacted by these changes, and, if anything, may see a very small increase in News Feed distribution.”

SOURCE: Facebook

About Seena Ajith 278 Articles
Hi guys, I am a technology blog writer, started of my career as a coder. I like following all current trends in technology, but specifically my interest is to cover everything about mobile phones. When not in front of computer, I will be either cooking or playing with my kids.