Amazon is disconnecting internet access for Kindle e-readers with 3G support from December this year. They will not be able to connect to the internet with their cellular connection on the device. This is particularly because of the shift to 4G and 5G by the major cellular operators. Old Kindle owners received a notice via mail notifying them about the change. If their device doesn’t have Wi-Fi support then connecting to the internet will be impossible.
The mobile operators are abandoning 2G and 3G support altogether therefore Amazon cannot do anything to provide support for 3G enabled Kindle devices. Some of the Kindle devices do not provide Wi-Fi support. Therefore, it is sure that some devices will definitely lose access to the internet. These include Kindle (first generation), Kindle (second generation), and Kindle DX (second generation). Users of these devices will now only be able to read already downloaded content as they cannot download new content.
There will be few devices that lose connection to cellular networks but can be connected to the internet with Wi-Fi. Kindle Keyboard (third generation), Kindle Touch (fourth generation), Kindle Paperwhite (fifth generation), Kindle Paperwhite (sixth generation), Kindle Paperwhite (seventh generation), Kindle Voyage (seventh generation), and Kindle Oasis (eighth generation) are devices which can now only have internet access via its Wi-Fi support.