Yahoo Mail app for iOS has been redesigned with “a focus of simplicity.” The app is enhanced with news, search, and snapshots of the weather, sports scores, stocks, and News Digest. It has a new panel with icons for Mail, News and Today at the bottom of the screen. Inboxes have swipe gestures for quick sorting and there’s a conversation view for recalling those original messages. The News section is curated based on your personal preferences and Today displays a weather report, stock info, sports scores and more. Apart from these, there are performance improvements and bug fixes. Yahoo says that the updated app will be rolling out in the “next couple of weeks.”
About Seena Ajith
278 Articles
Hi guys, I am a technology blog writer, started of my career as a coder. I like following all current trends in technology, but specifically my interest is to cover everything about mobile phones. When not in front of computer, I will be either cooking or playing with my kids.
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