WhatsApp had earlier enabled end-to-end encryption on its platform. This has made the chats on it more secured and no outsider could easily pry on those messages. But for the cloud data, authorities could access it using a search warrant to access Google Drive or iCloud. WhatsApp had been working on developing technologies that would enable encryption even to backups in the cloud. Now it became successful in doing so and has been enabled in the most recent beta update on Android, according to WABetaInfo.
For encrypting cloud backups, there will be a passcode or a 64-digit recovery key. Once you lose it, even WhatsApp won’t be able to restore your messages from the cloud. Then the data will be lost from you forever.
The Facebook-owned social media platform has been working on significant updates recently. The multi-device support has already been rolled out to many beta users. the highlight of the multi-device support update is that it will maintain end-to-end encryption even when it is accessible on multiple devices.