Twitter testing WhatsApp share button in its Android app



Twitter seems to be testing a dedicated WhatsApp share button inside its Android app. A number of screenshots showing the experimental feature were tweeted earlier today. In some of the screenshots, the button is placed at the top of the screen next to the search icon and in some others, it is located next to the existing share button below the tweet. Currently, there is a generic share button to quickly post a tweet on Facebook, WhatsApp, or any other app. Right now the company is testing this feature in India, which WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum believes to be one of the countries where its app is growing the fastest.

SOURCE: Twitter

About Seena Ajith 278 Articles
Hi guys, I am a technology blog writer, started of my career as a coder. I like following all current trends in technology, but specifically my interest is to cover everything about mobile phones. When not in front of computer, I will be either cooking or playing with my kids.