Twitter allows reporting of misleading tweets

Twitter will add "It's misleading" option along with spam or harmful content

Twitter allows reporting of misleading tweets

Social media has now access to everyone and everything that other mainstream outlets cannot easily cover. Since it has become much powerful, there are chances that people might use it for bad purposes than the good ones. This can be done by spreading false information than the actual, confirmed facts. This problem is tackled by different social media platforms differently. Twitter has brought in a new feature to let users report posts that appear to them as misleading or false.

This feature is an extension of Twitter’s existing reporting system. It features an additional “It’s misleading” option along with the spam or harmful content option given while reporting a tweet. The platform will also ask for the section as in Politics, Health, or something else.

Twitter explains that the feature is not finalized yet and is still in the experimental stage. Therefore, the company might not take action against reported tweets. This feature is mainly added so that Twitter can understand whether there are trends that are producing misinformation so that it can react quickly. This is a way in which Twitter is allowing its users to police the network.

Twitter hasn’t laid down any set of rules over this property. Both arguments in a dispute can accuse each other of misinformation. At the end of the trial, Twitter can decide which is good and which is bad.

It is time to wait and see whether Twitter will add it as a standard feature.