Snapchat testing stickers for pics of popular locations



Snapchat seems to be experimenting with stickers and location. The company is reportedly testing a new feature, in which users can add special stickers to their pictures based on their location. The users in Brooklyn have gained access to a filter with the word ‘Brooklyn’ written in an artistic font, those in New York’s financial district get a special filter showing a shower of dollar bills and those in popular US airports get other kind of filters. These filters do not seem to accompany any photo-editing effects and are just a graphic overlay. Snapchat’s new stickers could provide an easy way to share user’s location visually, without the need of checking in. Now it remains to be seen after all the experiments, how far the range of stickers will go.

SOURCE: Mail Online

About Seena Ajith 278 Articles
Hi guys, I am a technology blog writer, started of my career as a coder. I like following all current trends in technology, but specifically my interest is to cover everything about mobile phones. When not in front of computer, I will be either cooking or playing with my kids.