Facebook.com Email Address Will Stop Working on May 1



Facebook back in 2012 introduced its @facebook.com emailing service. The service didn’t really catch on with users however, and in two years, the social network shut it down. However, it still let users redirect messages sent to their @facebook.com email to another email service. The social media giant however, has now decided to completely retire the @facebook.com email address, and says it will not redirect @facebook.com emails starting May 1.

To recall, Facebook in 2014 shut down its @facebook.com email service “because most people haven’t been using their Facebook email address, and we can focus on improving our mobile messaging experience for everyone.”

The company is shifting its focus to its other services. The firm last week said it is looking to scale up extending “Boost Your Business” programme to villages in India to help entrepreneurs in improving their business prospects. It also unveiled new land based systems to provide connectivity to people in urban settings.

Facebook used its annual developers conference to reveal Terragraph technology that uses low cost, off the shelf components to create antenna based networks in dense city settings to improve wireless Internet availability. It also unveiled Project Aries that has a goal of building a test platform for efficient use of energy and unused radio spectrum that could provide a way to deliver Internet to communities outside of cities.