Children under the age of 16 banned from live-streaming and online video content in China

CAC's decision was followed by the report that the images of children were widely misused on the digital platforms


A special action to ban children under the age of 16 from appearing in live-streaming and online video content was passed by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). This move is taken by the government in order to regulate the crimes against minors on the online platforms. It was reported that many pornographic sites take the photos of children to edit them into their videos.

The above move will make the digital platforms to remove the contents in which children below the age of 16 was a part of. Videos which included gaming, fundraising, violent and vulgar content are to be reviewed in this regard. The CAC also asked various digital platforms to look into the cases of cyberbullying and other such behaviours that take place within their platforms.

The edited photos of children were misused and appeared in various platforms. These platforms have been fined and was ordered to take down those images. They were also told to ban such accounts. Those types of content, according to CAC, are used to increase traffic on such sites. CAC also said that the new law will be strictly enforced and no excuses will be given to anyone if found violating it. They have also warned companies to regularly monitor the content on their websites.

The new law came at a time when the Chinese government was strictly investigating into some of the local tech giants. The government had recently removed Didi on grounds of breaching cybersecurity. Other companies like Tencent and Alibaba were also fined for breaching the laws.