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Tinder’s new AI feature selects your most appealing photos for you


Tinder is tackling the hassle of choosing profile pictures with its new Photo Selector feature. This AI-driven tool scans your photos to select the ones most likely to get right swipes.

After a testing phase that began last August, Photo Selector is now ready for a broader rollout. The feature automatically browses your smartphone’s entire camera roll, using AI algorithms to pick the most appealing photos. Think of it as a more advanced version of the Smart Photos feature.

“With Photo Selector, Tinder offers a digital companion that curates a diverse selection of photos from users’ camera roll optimized to help users find a match,” the company explained in a press release.

To use the feature, you take a selfie and grant the system access to your camera roll. The AI then finds and presents a selection of your best photos. You make the final selections, increasing your chances of finding a match.

Photo Selector will be available to US customers later this month, with a global launch expected later this summer. I’m definitely considering dressing up my cat with a wig and glasses to see how the algorithm handles it.

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