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Know the best apps for pregnancy and new parents should have


When you have a baby, you’ll be spending a lot more time on your phone. Frantic Googling of breathing symptoms. One-handed WhatsApp-ing your group, during late night feeds. And inevitably, a whole lot of Instagram. As such, it helps to be prepared. And, thanks to the burgeoning market for parenting tech. The app stores have never been more bounteous with pregnancy apps and baby-related paraphernalia. Find out some of the app’s you may consider.


The pregnancy app from the makers of the conception app Glow, Nurture gives you everything you need to track your pregnancy. From daily updates on baby size to developmental milestones and forum discussions, it’s a solid resource, while inputs of daily intake and symptoms will help you track your own health over your pregnancy. and Android, free)


You’re on leave. The calendar is a horizonless stretch of entertaining a tiny, needy, stimulation-starved child. Sound familiar? You need Hoop. Simply put, think of it as the Time Out for parents. Sign up with your location and child’s age, and Hoop will show you all the family-friendly activities going on in your area. Sensory play? Messy fun! Toddler aquatic yoga? You probably live in Peckham. (iOS and Android, free)

Baby Monitor 3G

Why shell out on an expensive video baby monitor, when your house- if it’s anything like ours- is already full of internet-connected camera devices? Baby Monitor 3G lets you pair two smartphones (or iPads) to use to keep watch on your little one. Great for trips away, or a little piece of mind while sleep training. (iOS and Android – Paid)

Ask The Midwife

A new contender, Ask The Midwife lets users pay to interact with a professional midwife through the app, either by text message or video chat. It’s not cheap, but a potential alternative to late-night emergency room visits when you’re worried and can’t reach your NHS Healthcare Visitor. (iOS – Paid)


There are plenty of feed timer apps out there. Baby Feed Timer is a favourite, but for the slick design and ease of use, we likes BabyTime. The app makes it easy to track feeds, bottles, expressing, nappy changes, and even sleep, with a one-button change-sides feature, and intuitive visualisations. (iOS and Android, free)

The Wonder Weeks

A favourite with new parents – not least due to the popularity of the book of the same name – The Wonder Weeks provides week-by-week updates on your child’s development. Curious why your vaguely-sleeping angel is now a wailing insomniac? It may be a developmental leap. (iOS and Android – Paid)


Finding a babysitter is stressful. Bubble lets you find sitters recommended by friends, each of which has been vetted and security checked by the company. You can even pay them within the app. (iOS and Android, free)


It’d be tempting to add one of the numerous lullaby or white noise apps to this list. But in our experience, there’s often a better selection on Spotify – from surprisingly soporific rainfall and womb noises to nursery rhymes. Ewan The Dream Sheep’s four track options pale by comparison. (iOS and Android, free)


Created by the nightlight manufacturer, Pabobo‘s app is a billed as a travel-friendly alternative – although to be honest, it’s almost as good. The app uses your iPhone as the light; pick a colour, brightness, and a lullaby, and use it to try and send your little one to sleep. (iOS, free)

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