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Display Zoom on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus


The first time you set up your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, you will be asked if you want to use standard or zoomed view. The standard view uses the layout Apple intended for each respective device, while zoomed provides for larger icons, text and buttons.

The zoom levels may seem random, but they’re far from it. The iPhone 6 Plus in zoomed mode displays the equivalent of what’s displayed on the iPhone 6. While the amount of content on the iPhone 6 in zoomed mode is equivalent to the iPhone 5S.

No matter what you chose during initial setup, you can always go back and change to the alternative Display Zoom setting.

Changing the setting will restart your iPhone, putting the new look into place. Upon reboot, content on your iPhone will be bigger (or smaller). This feature, combined with Reachability, makes it easier for some to use a larger-screened iPhone.


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