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Bird pilots electric wheelchair and mobility scooter rentals

Bird pilots electric wheelchair

The company Bird, who are designing and developing electric scooters and small mobility systems for while now. Now recently they are expanded into the bike-share market and are now also moving into the accessibility space. With help from Scootaround, a company that specializes in wheelchair and mobility scooter rentals, now piloting a new program. The company will add dedicated support through its app that allows people with mobility issues to reserve and rent one of three different electric vehicles.

Whill Model Ci2 is one of the transportation electric mobility which pictured above. The Rent for the vehicle can vary between one and 14 days in length. It allows you to chose to pick up your ride and drop it off. With each rental, Bird will provide an in-person tutorial to answer any questions you might have about the EV you’re about to rent. The company will also have a toll-free customer support number so that you can ask any questions related to the entire service and process.

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